
Without the generosity of our friends, family, and community, we could not provide services like our summer camp free of charge to underserved communities. Please continue to support our efforts and our kids. Click here, here, or here to read stories of young people who have been positively affected by arts education.

You can donate to Broken Doll Productions in any of the following ways:

Through our 501c3 certified fiscal sponsor, The Field, your donations are fully tax deductible. By clicking on The Field icon at the left, you can donate via credit card through a secure online connection.

Alternately, you can send us a tax deductible donation in the form of a check made out to our fiscal sponsor, The Field. In the memo line, please write, Broken Doll Productions.

All checks can be mailed to our administrative headquarters:
424 Bedford Avenue
Apartment 4A
Brooklyn, NY 11249

*Please note that although we will accept checks made out directly to BDP, they are not tax deductible.

Finally, follow the link below to donate to BDP directly via our secure Paypal connection. Please remember, any donations to BDP that are not processed through our fiscal sponsor, The Field, are not tax deductible.